cops_2008_trentmann_metatmphys: contains pdf-file of Trentmann et al.,2008, Meteorol Atmos Phys.DOI 10.1007/s00703-008-0323-6.

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Trentmann, J., C. Keil, M. Salzmann, C. Barthlott, H.-S. Bauer, T. Schwitalla, M. G. Lawrence, D. Leuenberger, V. Wulfmeyer, U. Corsmeier, C. Kottmeier and H. Wernli, 2008: Multi-model simulations of a convective situation in low-mountain terrain in central Europe.
Meteorol Atmos Phys.,XXX,pp-pp,DOI 10.1007/s00703-008-0323-6.
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[Entry acronym: cops_2008_trentmann_metatmphys] [Entry id: 2188212]