REMO PRESENT DAY CLIMATE RUN, SFB512 TP F2 Project, 1/6 degree resolution, RUN No. 015001, 1H data

Bakan, Stephan

SFB 512 - Cyclones and the North Atlantic Climate System. The SFB is sponsered by DFG (project number ).
Subproject F2 - Atmospheric water cycle components over the North Atlantic derived from satellite data.
The project goal is the determination of the variability in the water cycle over the North Atlantic as a function of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) from satellite data.
Beyond the purely statistical analysis of these time series for the North Atlantic region and the correlation with the different phases of the NAO, the available fields will be analysed for individual cyclones in various stages of their life cycle (satellite and m o d e l data). This should clarify the importance of cyclones to the energy and water exchange between ocean and atmosphere.
Comparison studies of such individual cases with model results will include standard ECMWF analysis as well as detailed regional modelling (REMO) results and will help to assess the quality of the water balance components in state of the art numerical weather prediction models. These data will also be applied to the study of changes in the water cycle components during the landfall of North Atlantic cyclones.
The simulations have been performed with REMO 5.1 including the ECHAM 4 physics. Studies have been done for 1958-1998. For these investigations the regional model REMO has been used with a horizontal resolution of 1/6 degrees, a vertical resolution on 20 levels and a timestep of 100 seconds. As input at the boundaries and for initializations ERA40 in T106 resolution have been available.
SFB512 TP F2 (SFB Subproject F2)
REMO model region (SFB)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude -90.4 to 74.1 Latitude 5.5 to 82.5 Altitude: -5.7 m to 10 m
Temporal Coverage
1958-01-01 to 2002-08-25 (calendrical)
Use constraints
work group only
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
22.50 TiB (24733872637184 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
Bakan, Stephan (2004). REMO PRESENT DAY CLIMATE RUN, SFB512 TP F2 Project, 1/6 degree resolution, RUN No. 015001, 1H data. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

Each record provides header information.
Meaning of header elements:
IPDB( 7)=Codenummr (s.Liste)
IPDB( 8)=Leveltyp (1=Boden, 102 Meereshoehe, 105 Hoehe ueber Grund)
IPDB(10)=Level (0=Boden,Meereshohe; wenn IPDB(8)=105 dann Hoehe in m)
IGDB( 5)=Dimension-x
IGDB( 6)=Dimension-y
IGDB( 7)=Breite der linken unteren Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB( 8)=Laenge der linken unteren Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB(10)=Breite der rechten oberen Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB(11)=Laenge der rechten oberen Ecke in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System
IGDB(12)=Laengeninkrement in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System (1/6 Grad=167)
IGDB(13)=Breiteninkrement in 10**3 Grad im rotierten System (1/6 Grad=167)
IGDB(17)=Breite des rotierten Suedpols in realen Koordinaten in 10**3 Grad
IGDB(18)=Laenge des rotierten Suedpols in realen Koordinaten in 10**3 Grad
5)= 289
6)= 321
7)= -34000
8)= -19500
10)= 19333
11)= 28500
13)= 167 (0.166667)
14)= 167 (0.166667)
17)= -32500
18)= 10000
as consistent as the model is (REMO 1.5)
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

Is documented by

[1] Jacob, Daniela. (2004). The REMO Model.
[2] DOI Jacob, D.; Podzun, R. (1997). Sensitivity studies with the regional climate model REMO. doi:10.1007/BF01025368

Attached Datasets ( 119 )

Details for selected entry

Parent project(s)

SFB Subproject F2

[Entry acronym: REMO_SFB512_PDC_R015001_1H] [Entry id: 2038627]