
Meehl, Jerry

Quality Report
This document contains the results of the CMIP5 quality control level 2 (NetCDF) for experiment "cmip5 output1 NCAR CCSM4 historicalMisc".

Used error flags are:
-1 --
Not checked

0 --
No error found

1 testTimeStep() ^0, ^5
Error: negative time step

2 testTimeStep() ^0, ^5
Error: missing time step

4 testTimeStep() ^0, ^5
Error: identical time step

8 testCalendarTimeBounds()
Error: negative/zero time bounds range

16 testCalendarTimeBounds() ^0
Error: overlapping time bounds ranges

32 testCalendarTimeBounds() ^0
Warning: gap between time bounds ranges

100 testData()
Warning: found a record entirely with filling value

200 testData()
Warning: found a record entirely with constant value

400 testData()
Warning: suspect minimum
Note: No table comparison; inferred from the data

800 testData()
Warning: suspect maximum
Note: No table comparison; inferred from the data

1600 testData()
Warning: undefined standard deviation

3200 testData()
Warning: suspecting a replicated record
Note: A record of min., max., ave., and std. dev.
is identical to a previous one.
Note: Fields of constant or filling value excluded.
IPCC-AR5_CMIP5 (IPCC Assessment Report 5 and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project data sets)
Use constraints
For scientific use only
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
Access constraints
registered users
384.08 MiB (402737735 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Download Permission
Cite as
[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Meehl, Jerry (2014). CCSM4 model run for CMIP5 historical simulation but individual forcing agents only, served by ESGF. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/CMIP5.NRS4hm

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cmip5 output1 NCAR CCSM4 historicalMisc
[Entry acronym: QC_add_info_3454483] [Entry id: 3454483]