This document contains the results of the CMIP5 quality control level 2 (NetCDF) for experiment "cmip5 output1 NSF-DOE-NCAR CESM1-BGC piControl".
Used error flags are:
-1 --
Not checked
0 --
No error found
1 testTimeStep() ^0, ^5
Error: negative time step
2 testTimeStep() ^0, ^5
Error: missing time step
4 testTimeStep() ^0, ^5
Error: identical time step
8 testCalendarTimeBounds()
Error: negative/zero time bounds range
16 testCalendarTimeBounds() ^0
Error: overlapping time bounds ranges
32 testCalendarTimeBounds() ^0
Warning: gap between time bounds ranges
100 testData()
Warning: found a record entirely with filling value
200 testData()
Warning: found a record entirely with constant value
400 testData()
Warning: suspect minimum
Note: No table comparison; inferred from the data
800 testData()
Warning: suspect maximum
Note: No table comparison; inferred from the data
1600 testData()
Warning: undefined standard deviation
3200 testData()
Warning: suspecting a replicated record
Note: A record of min., max., ave., and std. dev.
is identical to a previous one.
Note: Fields of constant or filling value excluded.