The transient simulation was performed with the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Earth System Model version 1.2 in coarse resolution (MPI-ESM-CR) coupled to the ice-sheet model mPISM and the solid-earth model VILMA. MPI-ESM includes the spectral atmospheric model ECHAM6.3 at T31 horizontal resolution (approx. 3.75°) and 31 vertical levels, the land surface vegetation model JSBACH3.2, and the primitive equation ocean model MPIOM1.6 with a nominal resolution of 3°. Embedded into MPIOM1.6 is an Eulerian iceberg model (Erokhina and Mikolajewicz 2024). mPISM is based on PISM0.7.3. and was employed using a polar stereographic grid with a resolution of 10 km in the northern hemisphere and 15 km for Antarctica. VILMA was used in its 1D configuration and discretized on Gaussian F128 grid with a nominal resolution of 0.7°. The applied setup was introduced in detail in Mikolajewicz et al. (2024).
Note that the time runs with an offset of +25001 years, meaning that the year range 1-25000 of the data set equals the years 25000-1 BP (Before Present).