Instrument OMCAL (Ozone Monitor CALibrator) is a (modified) u.v. absorption monitor (Environnement O3-41M, Paris, France). It operates automatically. See also experiment summary. Data format: Dataset consists of eight columns representing Date(UT), Time(UT), Longitude, Latitude, Pressure[hPa], p_height[m], Tpot[K] and O3[ppbv]. Coordinates of data probes are given explicitly while the 'boundary box' meta entries just represent the coordinates of start and destination airports. The data rows are headed by a set of text lines in CARIBIC metadata format - for interpretation cf homepage Special comments to this flight: Records incomlete.
Detection down to pressures of lower than 150 hPa. After the first 20 min of flight the minimum detection limit is reached: +-4ppbv from 11/97 - 12/98...
Detection down to pressures of lower than 150 hPa. After the first 20 min of flight the minimum detection limit is reached: +-4ppbv from 11/97 - 12/98 and +-3ppbv from 01/99 - 04/02 respectively.