Carbon fluxes due to anthropogenic land use and land cover changes with (ELUC_trans) and without (ELUC_fix) environmental impacts on woody vegetation carbon produced by the model-data integration approach described in Bultan et al.,2022. Description Variables: - ELUC_fix: Carbon flux into/from the land from/into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic land use and land cover changes (including forest regrowth) under fixed contemporary environmental conditions. Units are in PgC yr-1. Fluxes into the atmosphere are positive, whereas fluxes into land are negative. Variable is included in the File ‘’. - ELUC_transient: Carbon flux into/from the land from/into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic land use and land cover changes (including forest regrowth), considering effects of transient environmental conditions (e.g. rising CO2 concentration) on woody vegetation carbon between 2000 and 2019. Units are in PgC yr-1. Fluxes into the atmosphere are positive, whereas fluxes into land are negative. Variable is included in the File ‘’.
[ Derived from parent entry - See data hierarchy tab ]
Bultan, Selma; Pongratz, Julia (2022). Tracking 21st century anthropogenic and natural carbon fluxes through model-data integration. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.