Glacier Mass Balance of Hallstaetter Glacier, Dachstein, Austria

The annual glacier mass balance of Hallstaetter Gletscher in Hohe Tauern is measured since 1.10.2006 with the direct glaciological method in the fixed date system (1.10. to 30. 09. of the following year). The accumulation of snow is measured by determination of the water equivalent in 6 snow pits, the ice ablation is measured with 15 stakes drilled into the ice. Results are the annual net mass balance in kg, the total accumulation and ablation, the glacier area and the portions of the area which are subject to ablation and accumulation, the elevation of the equilibrium line and the specific mass balance in kg m-2 (= mm w.e.). The accumulation during the winter is determined by the 1 May. The project homepage is located at
The project is funded by the Amt der Oberoesterreichischen Landesregierung and the Energie AG. The measurements are carried out by the Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics of the University of Innsbruck and the company Blue Sky in Gmunden, Austria.
GLACIER_MONITORING_AUSTRIA (Glacier monitoring data of Austria)
alpine region
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 2 to 43 Latitude 43 to 49 Altitude: -6.98 m to 10 hPa
Temporal Coverage
2150-01-01 to 2655-12-31 (calendrical, arbitrary numbered years)
Use constraints
For scientific use only
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
148.50 KiB (152064 Byte)
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[1] Helfricht, K. (2009). Veraenderungen des Massenhaushaltes am Hallstaetter Gletscher seit 1856, Diplomarbeit.

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[1] DOI Fischer, A.; Markl, G.; Olefs, M.; Reingruber, K.; Helfricht, K.; Stocker-Waldhuber, M. (2009). Untersuchungen des Massenhaushalts der Jahre 2006/07 und 2007/08: Hintereisferner, Kesselwandferner, Jamtalferner, Mullwitzkees, Hallstaetter Gletscher. doi:10.2312/MB_HEF_KWF_JTF_MW_HS_2006_2008

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