The assessment of climate change impacts on the North Sea and the overlying atmosphere requires reliable reference data in order to identify change and impacts against a highly variable background with time scales from hours to multi-decadal. Therefore, in the frame work of the research programme "KLIWAS - Impacts of climate change on waterways and navigation - Searching for options of adaptation" of the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS), a new climatology was developed in a close co-operation of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), the German Meteorological Service (DWD) and the Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) of the University Hamburg.
All available oceanographic in-situ data for temperature and salinity have been carefully checked for quality before further processing, while the atmospheric data had already been quality controlled by the DWD. More than 13 million temperature and 12 million salinity (starting in 1890) as well as more than 19 million atmospheric data (air temperature, dew point and air pressure starting in 1950) have been processed. Monthly averages have been created on specified grids for the ocean and atmosphere. For the first time oceanographic and meteorological climatologies are provided on a coordinated grid. The climatological data set is supposed to be growing with time and new data can be implemented as they are collected. it is planned to add additional parameters in future.
The climatologies will be used to analyse the temporal and spatial variability in the North Sea area and deduce long-term trends. Additional the data sets will be needed for the validation of regional climate scenarios. The products are publicly available at the ICDC portal ( ). A corrected version of the climatology is available. For more information see Accuracy report.
Bersch, Manfred; Gouretski, Viktor; Sadikni, Remon; Hinrichs, Iris (2013). KLIWAS North Sea Climatology of Hydrographic Data (Version 1.0). World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.
observation: Level 3c - Gridded Geophysical Variable - High level Quality Control The monthly and yearly means of salinit...
observation: Level 3c - Gridded Geophysical Variable - High level Quality Control The monthly and yearly means of salinity are significantly influenced by erroneous station data due to format errors in at last 2 regions (Kattegat and Skagerrak) from 1987 to 2010.Due to a format error a part of the original salinity measurements about 10 percent) were assigned to wrong positions and thus led to erroneous monthly and yearly means for a lot of boxes. So the salinities of version 1.0 should not be used further. The temperature values of version 1.0 were not affected by this error. In version 1.1 ( this error of the salinities is corrected. All salinity data were again quality controlled as before. 6.2 percent of the salinity data were flagged as bad. Mean values were calculated in the same way as in version 1.0 .
F-UJI result: total 62 %
Summary: Findable: 6 of 7 level; Accessible: 2 of 3 level; Interoperable: 3 of 4 level; Reusable: 4 of 10 level
SQA - Scientific Quality Assurance 'approved by author'
Result Date
Technical Quality Assurance (TQA)
TQA - Technical Quality Assurance 'approved by WDCC'
1. Number of data sets is correct and > 0: passed; 2. Size of every data set is > 0: passed; 3. The data sets and corresponding metadata are accessible: passed; 4. The data sizes are controlled and correct: passed; 5. The temporal coverage description (metadata) is consistent to the data: passed; 6. The format is correct: passed; 7. Variable description and data are consistent: passed
WDCC-TQA checklist
Method Description
Checks performed by WDCC. The list of TQA metrics are documented in the 'WDCC User Guide for Data Publication' Chapter 8.1.1