Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on ECHAM6.3 (Flawed)


Lierhammer, Ludwig et al.

Please note that data representing a warmer future climate are flawed by the use of incorrect sea ice coverage data. All data of the 1.5°C and the 2.0°C experiment of this CERA experiment have been replaced by and all data of the current decade and the 57-year-long AMIP experiment have been copied to For detailed information refer to that experiment.

Global HAPPI-MIP protocol data based on the ECHAM6.3 AGCM developed by the MPI-M (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology).

This CERA experiment includes data of five AMIP simulations of the period 1959-2015 and 100 AMIP simulations of 2006-2015. In addition it includes data of 100 AMIP-like simulations of 2106-2115 representing a climate warmer by 1.5°C than under pre-industrial conditions (1861-1880) and 100 AMIP-like simulations of 2106-2115 representing a climate warmer by 2.0°C than under pre-industrial conditions.
Newer Version(s)
HAPPI (HAPPI-MIP international initiative)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 359.75 Latitude -89.75 to 89.75 Altitude: 1000 hPa to 10 hPa
Temporal Coverage
1959-01-01 to 2115-12-31 (proleptic_gregorian)
Use constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
2.75 TiB (3019717898140 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Future Review Date
Cite as
Lierhammer, Ludwig; Mauritsen, Thorsten; Legutke, Stephanie; Esch, Monika; Wieners, Karl-Hermann; Saeed, Fahad (2017). Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts) Tier-1 experiments based on the ECHAM6.3 atmospheric model of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M). World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

Regarding future projections Plus15 and Plus20: Sea ice fraction input files were manually multiplied with 100 before read by ECHAM6.3-LR. The model needs prescribed sea ice fraction in percent but gets sea ice fraction in percent times 100. Hence far too high sea ice fractions are prescribed. Primary the high latitudes are concerned. These datasets are no valid contributions to HAPPI-MIP ( initiative but nevertheless data can be used for further sensitivity studies.
as consistent as the model ECHAM6.3
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization


[1] DOI Mitchell, Daniel; AchutaRao, Krishna; Allen, Myles; Bethke, Ingo; Beyerle, Urs; Ciavarella, Andrew; Forster, Piers M.; Fuglestvedt, Jan; Gillett, Nathan; Haustein, Karsten; Ingram, William; Iversen, Trond; Kharin, Viatcheslav; Klingaman, Nicholas; Massey, Neil; Fischer, Erich; Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich; Scinocca, John; Seland, Øyvind; Shiogama, Hideo; Shuckburgh, Emily; Sparrow, Sarah; Stone, Dáithí; Uhe, Peter; Wallom, David; Wehner, Michael; Zaaboul, Rashyd. (2017). Half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI): background and experimental design. doi:10.5194/gmd-10-571-2017
[2] DOI Stevens, Bjorn; Giorgetta, Marco; Esch, Monika; Mauritsen, Thorsten; Crueger, Traute; Rast, Sebastian; Salzmann, Marc; Schmidt, Hauke; Bader, Jürgen; Block, Karoline; Brokopf, Renate; Fast, Irina; Kinne, Stefan; Kornblueh, Luis; Lohmann, Ulrike; Pincus, Robert; Reichler, Thomas; Roeckner, Erich. (2013). Atmospheric component of the MPI-M Earth System Model: ECHAM6. doi:10.1002/jame.20015

Is previous version of

[1] DOI Lierhammer, Ludwig; Mauritsen, Thorsten; Legutke, Stephanie; Esch, Monika; Wieners, Karl-Hermann; Saeed, Fahad. (2019). Simulations of HAPPI (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts) Tier-1 experiments based on the ECHAM6.3 atmospheric model of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M). doi:10.26050/WDCC/HAPPI-global-ECHAM6.3_v2

Is derived from

[1] DOI Huppmann, Daniel; Kriegler, Elmar; Krey, Volker; Riahi, Keywan; Rogelj, Joeri; Rose, Steven K.; Weyant, John; Bauer, Nico; Bertram, Christoph; Bosetti, Valentina; Calvin, Katherine; Doelman, Jonathan; Drouet, Laurent; Emmerling, Johannes; Frank, Stefan; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Gernaat, David; Grubler, Arnulf; Guivarch, Celine; Haigh, Martin; Holz, Christian; Iyer, Gokul; Kato, Etsushi; Keramidas, Kimon; Kitous, Alban; Leblanc, Florian; Liu, Jing-Yu; Löffler, Konstantin; Luderer, Gunnar; Marcucci, Adriana; McCollum, David; Mima, Silvana; Popp, Alexander; Sands, Ronald D.; Sano, Fuminori; Strefler, Jessica; Tsutsui, Junichi; Van Vuuren, Detlef; Vrontisi, Zoi; Wise, Marshall; Zhang, Runsen. (2018). IAMC 1.5°C Scenario Explorer and Data hosted by IIASA. doi:10.22022/SR15/08-2018.15429

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[Entry acronym: HAPPI-MIP-global-ECHAM6.3] [Entry id: 3529785]