This experiment contains the monthly global mean all-sky spectrally resolved outgoing longwave radiation calculated from the 1-D radiative-convective equilibrium model konrad using the radiative transfer model ARTS. The spectra are available for eight different configurations of the vertical relative humidity profile.
The configurations are named as follows: ”uniform” refers to a vertically uniform profile of relative humidity R = 75%, ”cshape” refers to the global mean, C-shaped R profile. The term "base" refers to a surface temperature of 288K, all others to a surface temperature of 289K. ”Constant” means that R is the same as for "base", while ”dry” refers to a R that is 0.5% lower and "moist" refers to a R that is 0.5% higher. Furthermore, the dataset contains the atmospheric profiles of temperature, water vapour, CO2, O3, CH4, N2O and O2 used for the eight experiments.
Compared to the previous version, this dataset now contains the spectra of outgoing longwave radiation instead of spectrally resolved feedbacks. Furthermore, data of experiments in which relative increases was added, as well as the atmospheric profiles used for the experiments.