HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 model simulations to project future change in the coupled physical-biogeochemical system at high Southern Ocean latitudes

This experiment includes all datasets obtained with the global ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM1.4-REcoM2. Model simulations include a representation of ice-shelf cavities and are eddy-permitting on Antarctic continental shelves. The ocean-only model simulations were forced at the ocean surface with 3-hourly atmospheric output from the AWI Climate Model. The project includes model experiments under four “Shared Socioeconomic Pathways” emission scenarios and sensitivity experiments facilitating the separation of natural and anthropogenic components of the oceanic carbon cycle. While the model simulations were started in 1950, the period 1950-1979 is considered spin-up and not provided here.
Computing resources were provided by the North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN) project hbk00079, and the work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 820989 (project COMFORT; https://comfort.w.uib.no/). COMFORT aims to assess tipping points in the coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients in the ocean for determining and achieving safe operating spaces.

The naming of the datasets follows the template
HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 experimentName experimentTime AtmCO2 climate

- "experimentName" is one of simA, simB, simC, simD (depending on whether atmospheric carbon and climate variables are constant or variable, see below)
- "experimentTime" is one of historical, SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, SSP585, 1980_2100. As archived here, historical represents the years 1980-2014, and all SSP scenarios represent the years 2015-2100.
- "AtmCO2" is one of variableAtmCO2, constantAtmCO2 (depending on whether atmospheric CO2 concentrations are kept constant at 1950-levels or varying throughout the simulation)
- "climate" is one of variableClimate, constantClimate (depending on whether all atmospheric forcing variables except CO2 are kept constant at 1955-levels or varying throughout the simulation)

The following data collections are included, each representing one model experiment:

1. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simA historical variableAtmCO2 variableClimate
2. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simA SSP126 variableAtmCO2 variableClimate
3. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simA SSP245 variableAtmCO2 variableClimate
4. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simA SSP370 variableAtmCO2 variableClimate
5. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simA SSP585 variableAtmCO2 variableClimate

6. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simB 1980_2100 constantAtmCO2 constantClimate

7. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simC historical variableAtmCO2 constantClimate
8. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simC SSP245 variableAtmCO2 constantClimate
9. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simC SSP585 variableAtmCO2 constantClimate

10. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simD historical constantAtmCO2 variableClimate
11. HighRes_highLat_SO FESOM1.4-REcoM2 simD SSP585 constantAtmCO2 variableClimate

Computing resources were provided by the North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN) project hbk00079.
HighRes_highLat_SO (Global simulations of ocean-sea ice-biogeochemistry model FESOM1.4-REcoM2 with ice-shelf cavities and eddy-permitting grid resolution in the high-latitude Southern Ocean)
Cara Nissen (

Judith Hauck (
Spatial Coverage
Longitude -180 to 180 Latitude -90 to 90
Temporal Coverage
1980-01-01 to 2100-12-31 (365_day)
Use constraints
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
7.03 TiB (7725323559871 Byte)
NetCDF, netCDF.tar
completely archived
Creation Date
Future Review Date
Cite as
There is no citation information available on this level, please see the associated parent or child entry (if available) for citation details.
European Commission - Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Grant/Award No: 820989 - Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points (COMFORT)
North-German Supercomputing Alliance
Grant/Award No: hbk00079 - project hbk00079
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization

Is documented by

[1] DOI Nissen, Cara; Timmermann, Ralph; Hoppema, Mario; Gürses, Özgür; Hauck, Judith. (2022). Abruptly attenuated carbon sequestration with Weddell Sea dense waters by 2100. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30671-3
[2] Nissen, Cara; Timmermann, Ralph; Hoppema, Mario; Hauck, Judith. (2023). A regime shift on Weddell Sea continental shelves with local and remote physical-biogeochemical implications is avoidable in a 2°C scenario. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0926.1

Is cited by

[1] DOI Nissen, Cara; Lovenduski, Nicole S.; Brooks, Cassandra M.; Hoppema, Mario; Timmermann, Ralph; Hauck, Judith. (2024). Severe 21st-century ocean acidification in Antarctic Marine Protected Areas. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-44438-x
[2] DOI Nissen, Cara; Timmermann, Ralph; van Caspel, Mathias; Wekerle, Claudia. (2024). Altered Weddell Sea warm- and dense-water pathways in response to 21st-century climate change. doi:10.5194/os-20-85-2024

Is compiled by

[1] DOI Wang, Q.; Danilov, S.; Sidorenko, D.; Timmermann, R.; Wekerle, C.; Wang, X.; Jung, T.; Schröter, J. (2014). The Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM) v.1.4: formulation of an ocean general circulation model. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-663-2014
[2] DOI Danilov, S.; Wang, Q.; Timmermann, R.; Iakovlev, N.; Sidorenko, D.; Kimmritz, M.; Jung, T.; Schröter, J. (2015). Finite-Element Sea Ice Model (FESIM), version 2. doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1747-2015
[3] DOI Timmermann, R.; Wang, Q.; Hellmer, H.H. (2012). Ice-shelf basal melting in a global finite-element sea-ice/ice-shelf/ocean model. doi:10.3189/2012aog60a156
[4] DOI Hauck, J.; Völker, C.; Wang, T.; Hoppema, M.; Losch, M.; Wolf‐Gladrow, D. A. (2013). Seasonally different carbon flux changes in the Southern Ocean in response to the southern annular mode. doi:10.1002/2013gb004600
[5] DOI Karakuş, Onur; Völker, Christoph; Iversen, Morten; Hagen, Wilhelm; Wolf‐Gladrow, Dieter; Fach, Bettina; Hauck, Judith. (2021). Modeling the Impact of Macrozooplankton on Carbon Export Production in the Southern Ocean. doi:10.1029/2021jc017315

Is derived from

[1] DOI Semmler, Tido; Danilov, Sergey; Gierz, Paul; Goessling, Helge F.; Hegewald, Jan; Hinrichs, Claudia; Koldunov, Nikolay; Khosravi, Narges; Mu, Longjiang; Rackow, Thomas; Sein, Dmitry V.; Sidorenko, Dmitry; Wang, Qiang; Jung, Thomas. (2020). Simulations for CMIP6 with the AWI climate model AWI‐CM‐1‐1. doi:10.1029/2019ms002009

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[Entry acronym: FESOM14-REcoM2] [Entry id: 5273724]