EARLINET VolcanicEruption 2000-2010


The EARLINET publishing group 2000-2010 et al.

Aerosols originating from volcanic emissions have an impact on the climate:
sulfate and ash particles from volcanic emissions reflect solar radiation, act as
cloud condensation and ice nuclei, and modify the radiative properties and lifetime
of clouds, and therefore influence the precipitation cycle. These volcanic particles
can also have an impact on environmental conditions and could be very dangerous for
aircraft in flight.

In addition to the routine measurements, further EARLINET observations are devoted to
monitor volcano eruptions. The EARLINET volcanic dataset includes extended
observations related to two different volcanoes in Europe Mt. Etna (2001 and
2002 eruptions), and the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland (April - May 2010
eruption). This dataset includes also recent events of volcanic eruptions in the
North Pacific region (2008-2010) that emitted sulfuric acid droplets into the upper
troposphere - lower stratosphere (UTLS) height region of the northern hemisphere.
The EARLINET volcanic observations in the UTLS are complemented by the long-term
stratospheric aerosol observations collected in the Stratosphere category.
EARLINET (A European Aerosol Research Lidar Network to Establish an Aerosol Climatology)
Gelsomina Pappalardo (
Spatial Coverage
Longitude -8 to 29 Latitude 37.2 to 54
Temporal Coverage
2000-04-01 to 2010-12-31 (calendrical)
Use constraints
For scientific use only
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
33.65 MiB (35284555 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
The EARLINET publishing group 2000-2010; Adam, Mariana; Alados-Arboledas, Lucas; Althausen, Dietrich; Amiridis, V.; Amodeo, Aldo; Ansmann, Albert; Apituley, Arnoud; Arshinov, Yuri; Balis, Dimitris; Belegante, Livio; Bobrovnikov, Sergey; Boselli, Antonella; Bravo-Aranda, Juan Antonio; Bösenberg, Jens; Carstea, Emil; Chaikovsky, Anatoly; Comerón, Adolfo; D'Amico, Giuseppe; Daou, David; Dreischuh, Tanja; Engelmann, Ronny; Finger, Fanny; Freudenthaler, Volker; Garcia-Vizcaino, David; Fernandez García, Alfonso Javier; Geiß, Alexander; Giannakaki, Elina; Giehl, Helmuth; Giunta, Aldo; de Graaf, Martin; Granados-Muñoz, Maria José; Grein, Matthias; Grigorov, Ivan; Groß, Silke; Gruening, Carsten; Guerrero-Rascado, Juan Luis; Haeffelin, Martial; Hayek, Theresa; Iarlori, Marco; Kanitz, Thomas; Kokkalis, Panayotis; Linné, Holger; Madonna, Fabio; Mamouri, Rodanthi-Elisavet; Matthias, Volker; Mattis, Ina; Molero Menéndez, Francisco; Mitev, Valentin; Mona, Lucia; Morille, Yohann; Muñoz, Constantino; Müller, Anja; Müller, Detlef; Navas-Guzmán, Francisco; Nemuc, Anca; Nicolae, Doina; Pandolfi, Marco; Papayannis, Alex; Pappalardo, Gelsomina; Pelon, Jacques; Perrone, Maria Rita; Pietruczuk, Aleksander; Pisani, Gianluca; Potma, Charlos; Preißler, Jana; Pujadas, Manuel; Putaud, Jean; Radu, Cristian; Ravetta, Francois; Reigert, Andrew; Rizi, Vincenzo; Rocadenbosch, Francesc; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Sauvage, Laurent; Schmidt, Jörg; Schnell, Franziska; Schwarz, Anja; Seifert, Patric; Serikov, Ilya; Sicard, Michaël; Silva, Ana Maria; Simeonov, Valentin; Siomos, Nikos; Sirch, Tobias; Spinelli, Nicola; Stoyanov, Dimitar; Talianu, Camelia; Tesche, Matthias; De Tomasi, Ferdinando; Trickl, Thomas; Vaughan, Geraint; Volten, Hester; Wagner, Frank; Wandinger, Ulla; Wang, Xuan; Wiegner, Matthias; Wilson, Keith M. (2014). EARLINET observations related to volcanic eruptions (2000-2010). World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ. https://doi.org/10.1594/WDCC/EN_VolcanicEruption_2000-2010

observation: Level 1 - Only signal to measurement algorithm used
see: Matthias V., Böckmann C., Freudenthaler V., Pappalardo G., Bösenberg J., Amiridis V., Amodeo A., Balis D., Boselli A., Chaykovski A., Chourdakis G., Comeron A., Delaval A., De Tomasi F., Eixmann R., Frioud M., Hagard A., Iarlori M., Komguem L., Kreipl S., Larchev¿¿que G., Matthey R., Mattis I., Papayannis A., Rizi V., Rocadenbosch F., Schneider J., Schumacher R., Shcherbakov V., Simeonov V., Wandinger U., Wang X. and Wiegner M., Lidar intercomparison on algorithm and system level in the frame of EARLINET. Max-Planck-Institut Report No. 337 (2002)
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F-UJI online v2.2.1 automated
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Checks performed by WDCC. Metrics documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081213 Metric Version: metrics_v0.5
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1. Number of data sets is correct and > 0: passed;
2. Size of every data set is > 0: passed;
3. The data sets and corresponding metadata are accessible: passed;
4. The data sizes are controlled and correct: passed;
5. The temporal coverage description (metadata) is consistent to the data: passed;
6. The format is correct: passed;
7. Variable description and data are consistent: passed
WDCC-TQA checklist
Method Description
Checks performed by WDCC. The list of TQA metrics are documented in the 'WDCC User Guide for Data Publication' Chapter 8.1.1
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[Entry acronym: EN_VolcanicEruption_2000-2010] [Entry id: 2940931]