These data represent 6 hourly and 12 hourly instantaneous values of selected variables for ENSEMBLES ( The list of output variables can be found in: model output was prepared for the IPCC Fourth Assessment climate of the 1%year CO2 increase experiment (to quadrupling). The simulation is started in 1931 with an annual increase of 1% until CO2 quadrupling. In the year 2001 the CO2 concentration were held constant. The simulation is a continuation of the 1CO2_2-run (1%year CO2 increase to doubling). All other concentrations remain at their preindustrial levels (nominally year 1860). These datasets are available in netCDF format. The dataset names are composed of - centre/model acronym (e.g. MPEH5: Max-Planck-Institute/Echam5) - scenario acronym (e.g. SRA2: SRES A2) - run number (e.g. 1: run 1) - time interval (MM:monthly mean, DM:daily mean, DC:diurnal cycle, 6H:6 hourly, 12h:12hourly) - variable acronym [with level value] (e.g. hur850: relative humidity, 850 hPa) --> example: MPEH5_SRA2_1_MM_hur850 These datasets are available in netCDF format. For this experiment 1 ensemble run was carried out. Model output data for CMIP3 in higher temporal resolutions and further variables are available in ESGF at Technical data to this experiment: The experiment used ECHAM5.2.02a (T63L31) coupled to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 (GR1.5L40) and was run on a NEC-SX (hurrikan). The output from the model run is stored in: