These data represent daily values (daily mean, instantaneous daily output) of selected variables for ENSEMBLES ( The list of output variables can be found in: The 20th century simulation(included year 2000) was initiated from year 250 of the control preindustrial simulation, when equilibrium was reached (corresponds to nominal year 1860 of 20C3M). Solar and volcanic variability are taken into account. Forcing agents included: CO2,CH4,N2O,O3,CFC11(including other CFCs and HFCs),CFC12; sulfate(Boucher),BC,sea salt,desert dust aerosols. These datasets are available in netCDF format. The dataset names are composed of - centre/model acronym (e.g. CNCM3: CNRM/CM3) - scenario acronym (e.g. SRA2: SRES A2) - run number (e.g. 1: run 1) - time interval (MM:monthly mean, DM:daily mean, DC:diurnal cycle, 6H:6 hourly, 12h:12hourly) - variable acronym [with level value] (e.g. hur850: relative humidity, 850 hPa) --> example: CNCM3_SRA2_1_MM_hur850 For this experiment 2 ensemble runs were carried out. Technical data to this experiment: CNRM-CM3.3 (2008): atmosphere: Arpege-Climat v4.6 (T42L31); ocean: OPA8.1a5; sea ice: Gelato 3.10h; river routing: TRIP Keyword(s)