This data is not complete and locked. Use "IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 PIcntrl(pre-industrial control experiment): atmosphere monthly mean values MPImet/MaD Germany" instead ! Simulation of pre-industrial climate using ECHAM5.2.02 coupled to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 including HAMOCC. Concentrations of well mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) are prescribed for the year 1860. The simulation was run on a NEC-SX6 (hurrikan). Related experiments (Plan): IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 PIcntrl(pre-industrial control experiment): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 SRESA1B run no.(1,2,3): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 SRESB1 run no.(1,2,3): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 SRESA2 run no.(1,2,3): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 1%/year CO2 increase experiment to doubling run no.(1,2,3): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 1%/year CO2 increase experiment to quadrupling run no.(1,2,3): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany IPCC-AR4 MPI-ECHAM5_T63L31 MPI-OM_GR1.5L40 20C3M run no.(1,2,3): atmosphere 6 HOUR values MPImet/MaD Germany The output from the model run:
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