Target period: 1000 to 1990 AD.
Spin down: 100 years
Initial conditions: Restart files from atm. year 100 in control (45005_a05, S. Legutke) experiment. Initial ficticious year is 901.
901-920 Constant forcing values as in control run 921-950: Transition to estimated forcing values of 1000 AD.:S=1364.920 W m-2, [CO2]=279.40 ppm, [CH4]=690.8 ppb, [N2O]=276.69 ppb
950-999: Constant forcing as estimated for 1000 AD.
1000-1990: Estimated forcing values according to Crowley (2000).
Datasets with monthly average values are also available.
Technical data to this experiment:
The experiment is using ECHO-g: ECHAM4 (f90) + HOPE-g and was run on a NEC-SX (hurrikan).
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