Target period: 1991 to 2100 AD. Initial conditions: Restart files from the transient simulation ECHOG_AN_1500-1990_12H in 1990 external forcing 1991-2100: carbon dioxide concentracions according to IPCC SRES A2 scenario Simulation uses a different albedo scheme - mainly different with a different description of the surface-temperature depending snow albedo over non-forested areas, according to the Roesch (2000) snow-albedo scheme. The sea-ice albedo scheme is replaced by another sea-ice albedo scheme, which is still surface temperature depending but takes into account the effect of melt ponds. For information about the new snow and sea ice albedo scheme refer to Koeltzow et al. (2003) and Koeltzow (2007). The new scheme is applied to the northern hemisphere explitly. Datasets with monthly average values are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHO-g: ECHAM4 (f90) + HOPE-g and was run on a NEC-SX (hurrikan)
[1] Benkel, Andreas. (2007). The role of northern hemispheric Cryosheric albedo changes: a model study of the Artic's impact on the global climate. ISSN 0344-9629