ECHOG_A43_20C3M_RUN2: 2nd member of 20C3M simulations for IPCC AR4

Min, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Schlese, Ulrich

This run (run2, experiment ID a43) is one member of a five-member ensemble simulation (run1 to run5) of the IPCC AR4 "climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M)" with the coupled climate model ECHO-G. Initial data for the 20C3M simulations (ID = a42-a46; period = 1860-2000) were obtained by spinning up ECHO-G for six years with ocean restart files from simulation years=199/299/399 of a preindustrial simulation performed at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB) and from simulation years=199/299 of the first ensemble member respectively. The preindustrial runs were initialized with the Levitus climatology. Anthropogenic GHGs (ENSEMBLE runs) , sulfate aerosol direct and first indirect effects, and natural forcing (solar irradiance and volcanic activity implemented through varying solar constant following Crowley, 2000) are used for the 20C3M simulations. This member was run on a NEC SX-6 machine at DKRZ.
IPCC-AR4_ECHO-G (IPCC 4th assessment report simulations with the ECHO-G climate model)
Spatial Coverage
Longitude 0 to 360 Latitude -90 to 90 Altitude: -5.7 m to 10 hPa
Temporal Coverage
1860-01-01 to 2000-12-30 (climate model time)
Use constraints
unrestricted; please notify Andreas Hense (ahense (at) if data is used.
Data Catalog
World Data Center for Climate
3.89 GiB (4179009888 Byte)
completely archived
Creation Date
Cite as
Min, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Schlese, Ulrich (2006). ECHOG_A43_20C3M_RUN2: 2nd member of 20C3M simulations for IPCC AR4. World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ.

as consistent as the model is (ECHO-G)
Contact typePersonORCIDOrganization


[1] DOI Crowley, T. J. (2000). Causes of Climate Change Over the Past 1000 Years. doi:10.1126/science.289.5477.270

Is documented by

[1] DOI Min, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Hense, Andreas; Kwon, Won-Tae. (2005). Internal variability in a 1000-yr control simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G — I. Near-surface temperature, precipitation and mean sea level pressure. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v57i4.14712
[2] DOI Min, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Hense, Andreas; Kwon, Won-Tae. (2005). Internal variability in a 1000-yr control simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G — II. El Niño Southern Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v57i4.14711

Web site

[2] Legutke, Stephanie. (2005). Model Information of Potential Use to the IPCC Lead Authors and the AR4. ECHO-G.

Is described by

[1] DOI Feichter, J.; Lohmann, U.; Schult, I. (1997). The atmospheric sulfur cycle in ECHAM-4 and its impact on the shortwave radiation. doi:10.1007/s003820050163
[2] Roeckner, E.; Arpe, K.; Bengtsson, L.; Christoph, M.; Claussen, M.; Duemenil, L.; Esch, M.; Giorgetta, M.; Schlese, U.; Schulzweida, U. (1996). The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM-4: Model description and simulation of present-day climate.
[3] DOI Wolff, Jörg-Olaf; Maier-Reimer, Ernst; Legutke, Stephanie. (1997). The Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation Model. doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No13
[4] DOI Legutke, Stephanie; Voss, Reinhard. (1999). The Hamburg Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Circulation Model ECHO-G. doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No18
[5] DOI Legutke, Stephanie; Maier-Reimer, Ernst. (1999). Climatology of the HOPE-G Global Ocean - Sea Ice General Circulation Model. doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No21

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Details for selected entry
[Entry acronym: ECHOG_A43_20C3M_RUN2] [Entry id: 2071273]