This run is an IPCC AR4 "1%/year CO2 increase experiment (1%_to4x)" (experiment ID a11) with the coupled climate model ECHO-G. The simulation was started after a 5y coupled spinup with ocean restart file from the end of year 305 of a coupled control run (experiment ID c04) as was the corresponding IPCC AR4 PDcntrl run. The c04 control run was started after a 2034 year standalone ocean spin-up followed by a 155 year coupled (SST, SSS relaxed) spin-up. The simulation has been performed using the ipcc/sacc value for CO2 for 1990 (CO2=353 ppmv), and increasing the CO2 concentration by 1 percent/per year until the concentration has reached 4 times its initial value (year 140). Then the CO2 concentration was kept at that value. The other GHGs were the same as those of the related "present day control experiment (PDcntrl)" (CH4=1720 ppb, N2O=310ppb, CFC11=484pptv, CFC12=60pptv, HCFC113=15pptv, CFC115=5pptv, HCFC22=122pptv, CCL4=146pptv). The solar constant was 1365 W/m^2. This member was run on a NEC SX-4 machine at DKRZ.
[1] DOIMin, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Hense, Andreas; Kwon, Won-Tae. (2005). Internal variability in a 1000-yr control simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G — I. Near-surface temperature, precipitation and mean sea level pressure. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v57i4.14712
[2] DOIMin, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Hense, Andreas; Kwon, Won-Tae. (2005). Internal variability in a 1000-yr control simulation with the coupled climate model ECHO-G — II. El Niño Southern Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation. doi:10.3402/tellusa.v57i4.14711
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[4] DOILegutke, Stephanie; Maier-Reimer, Ernst. (1999). Climatology of the HOPE-G Global Ocean - Sea Ice General Circulation Model. doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No21