This run is an IPCC AR4 "present-day control experiment (PDcntrl)" (experiment ID a05) with the coupled climate model ECHO-G. The simulation was started after a 5y coupled spinup with ocean restart file from the end of year 305 of a coupled control run (expid c04). The c04 control run was started after a 2034 year standalone ocean spin-up followed by a 155 year coupled (SST, SSS relaxed) spin-up. The simulation has been performed using the ipcc/sacc values for 1990 for GHGs (CO2=353 ppmv, CH4=1720 ppb, N2O=310ppb, CFC11=484pptv, CFC12=60pptv, HCFC113=15pptv, CFC115=5pptv, HCFC22=122pptv, CCL4=146pptv), and a fixed solar constant of 1365 W/m2. This member was run on NEC SX-4/5/6 machines at DKRZ.
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[6] DOIMin, Seung-Ki; Legutke, Stephanie; Hense, Andreas; Kwon, Won-Tae. (2004). Climatology and Internal Variability in a 1000-Year Control Simulation with the Coupled Climate Model ECHO-G. doi:10.2312/WDCC/MaD_TeReport_No02