Convection-permitting simulations at 0.02° resolution with COSMO-CLM, centred over Badalona, Spain (near Barcelona). The simulations were performed as part of the H2020 project BINGO <>, in which Badalona was one of the key research sites. The simulations are 4-month time-slices, covering July to October from 1979-2018, with July intended for soil-moisture spinup. The year 2000 time-slice was simulated twice, once with and once without parametrized shallow convection.
Lateral boundary conditions are from ERA-Interim forced 0.11° EURO-CORDEX evaluation simulations, available here and here Precipitation is saved at 5-minute intervals. Standard diagnostic variables like 2-metre temperature, dew-point temperature and humidity, sea level and surface pressure, 10-metre winds, cloud fraction, surface fluxes, column integrals, CAPE, CIN, LCL, LFC and more are saved at hourly intervals. No model-level data were saved, though winds, temperature, humidity and geopotential can be found on pressure levels (925, 850, 700, 500, 300 hPa). Restart files and further variables are also present.
The simulation domain has dimensions of 241x241, with 60 vertical levels.
For a detailed description of the simulations and the available data, please see the PDF in the "Data Hierarchy" tab. These simulations form the basis of the paper "Subhourly rainfall in a convection-permitting model", by EP Meredith, U Ulbrich and HW Rust. As of November 2019, this is in review at Environmental Research Letters.