The data contains output from ICON-LEM and -SRM simulations in the tropical North Atlandic east of Barbados. It includes LEM meteogram (hydrometeores, thermodynamical values) and resampled SRM 3D output on a 0.5 ° x 0.5 ° latitude-longitude grid. The data is used in the publication "Multi-layer Cloud Conditions in Trade Wind Shallow Cumulus – Confronting two ICON Model Derivatives with Airborne Observations" [1] which focuses on a comparison of virtual cloud extend of shallow cumulus clouds.
[1] preprint: Jacob, M., Kollias, P., Ament, F., Schemann, V., and Crewell, S.: "Multi-layer Cloud Conditions in Trade Wind Shallow Cumulus – Confronting Models with Airborne Observations", Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,, in review, 2020.