Output of the GeoMIP testbed experiment accumH2SO4 of MAECHAM5-HAM (T42L95). The files contain all relevant aerosol microphysical parameters as well as meteorological parameters as monthly mean values. Direct MAECHAM5-Ouput (meteorological parameters) is also contained in 6-hourly resolution. Furthermore, also "working"-files are contained, which contain data as e.g. zonal means.
The denomination of the files is as follows: h2so4-(injection location)-(injection species)-(injection rate)_(parameter identifier)_monavg.nc.
Each file contains the whole simulation time, which is 10yr. For the control run, also one 10-yr spinup run as well as one 40-yr extension is available.
The model wasn't coupled to an ocean module.
A QBO was generated internally.
Boundary conditions were set according to the GeoMIP6 accumH2SO4 experiment proposal, which can be found on the GeoMIP6 website.
According to this proposal, in total 18 experiments have been performed: 3 different injection locations (Single grid box at equator, 2 grid boxes simultaneously at 30°S and 30°N, belt along the equator ranging from 30°S to 30°N), 3 injection rates (5, 10, 25Tg(S)/yr), and 2 injection species (SO2, AM-SO4).
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