This archive contains the core output derived from the grand solar minimum (GSM) simulations done at FUB Berlin (EMAC model, Joeckel et al., 2016, and GEOMAR (FOCI-HAMMOZ, Matthes et al. 2020, during the SOLCHECK project (2019 - 2023). The GSM experiments simulate a grand solar minimum under 1850 (FOCI-HAMMOZ, EMAC), 2000 (EMAC) and 2100 (FOCI-HAMMOZ, EMAC) climate conditions for 150 years.
Additional variables are available from the LTA at DKRZ: (search items "bb0519 FOCI") or from FUB Berlin.
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Cite as
Spiegl, Tobias; Wahl, Sebastian; Huo, Wenjuan; Schmidt, Franziska; Langematz, Ulrike (2023). ROMIC-II-SOLCHECK joint database part II - Grand Solar Minimum sensitivity experiments under different climatic background. DOKU at DKRZ.