This archive contains the core output derived from the historical simulations done at FUB Berlin (EMAC model, Joeckel et al., 2016, and GEOMAR (FOCI-HAMMOZ, Matthes et al. 2020, during the SOLCHECK project (2019 - 2023).
The historical experiments conver the period from 1850 until 2013 under full (9 ensemble members), smoothed/low frequency (9 ensemble members) and fixed (1850s, 9 ensemble members) solar forcing conditions. Some of the ensemble members have been extended into the future following the SSP370 scenario).
Additional variables are available from the LTA at DKRZ: (search items "bb0519 FOCI") or from FUB Berlin.
The simulations done with MPI-ESM (Mueller et al., 2018, are NOT part of this database. Output from the MPI-ESM simulations are available from (search items "SOLCHECK MPI-ESM")