Grimm, Rosina; Mikolajewicz, Uwe; Maier-Reimer, Ernst
Data for the paper: Grimm, R., Maier-Reimer, E., Mikolajewicz, U., Schmiedl, G., Müller-Navarra, K., Adloff, F., Grant, K.M., Ziegler, M., Lourens, L.J., Emeis, K.-C., 2015. Late glacial initiation of Holocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel formation. Nature Communications 6, 7099 (doi: 10.1038/ncomms8099). Data for the PhD thesis: Grimm, R. Simulating the early Holocene Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel Formation Using an Ocean Biogeochemical Model. Rep. Earth Syst. Sci. 123, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Available at (2012). Futher information on the storage of the data and metadata is given in the file: save_sapropel/README_grimm_etal_2015_NatCommu_grimm_Phdthesis_2012.pdf