project D1 of DFG-funded research group RiftLink;
regional climate model CCLM4 (cosmo4.8_clm11);
control simulation with present-day greenhouse gas concentrations (cit6);
driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis;
no rotated pole;
1h: RAIN_CON (convective rainfall), SNOW_CON (convective snowfall), RAIN_GSP (large scale rainfall), SNOW_GSP (large scale snowfall), TOT_PREC (total precipitation amount)
3h: ALB_RAD (surface albedo), ALHFL_S (averaged surface latent heat flux), ALWD_S (downward lw radiation at the surface), ALWU_S (upward lw radiation at the surface), ASHFL_S (averaged surface sensible heat flux), ASOB_T (averaged TOA net downward shortwave radiation), ASOB_S (averaged surface net downward shortwave radiation), ASOD_T (averaged solar downward radiation at top), ASWDIFD_S (diffuse downward sw radiation at the surface), ASWDIFU_S (diffuse upwnward sw radiation at the surface), ASWDIR_S (direct downward sw radiation at the surface), ATHB_S (averaged surface net downward longwave radiation), ATHB_T (averaged TOA outgoing longwave radiation), CLCT (total cloud cover), DURSUN (duration of sunshine), PMSL (mean sea level pressure), PS (surface pressure), QV_2M (2m specific humidity), T_2M (2m temperature), U_10M (U-component of 10m wind), V_10M (V-component of 10m wind), RELHUM_2M (2m relative humidity)
6h: AEVAP_S (surface evaporation), AUMFL_S (averaged eastward stress), AVMFL_S (averaged northward stress), CLCH (high cloud cover), CLCL (low cloud cover), CLCM (medium cloud cover), H_SNOW (thickness of snow), HPBL (Height of boundary layer), RUNOFF_G (subsurface runoff), RUNOFF_S (surface runoff), SNOW_MELT (snow melt), T_S (soil surface temperature), TQC (vertical integrated cloud water), TQI (vertical integrated cloud ice), TQV (precipitable water), W_I (canopy water amount), W_SNOW (surface snow amount), W_SO (soil water content), W_SO_ICE (soil frozen water content)
6h: FI (geopotential), QV (specific humidity), T (temperature), U (U-component of wind), V (V-component of wind), RELHUM (relative humidity)
24h: TMAX_2M (2m maximum temperature), TMIN_2M (2m minimum temperature), VMAX_10M (maximum 10m wind speed)