project D1 of DFG-funded research group RiftLink;
regional climate model CLM3.2 with orbital routine;
tectonic simulation with 50% reduction of topography over Eastern and Southern Africa and preindustrial greenhouse gas concentrations and orbital parameters (kot3);
driven by global preindustrial ECHO-G simulation with 50% reduction of topography over Eastern and Southern Africa;
no rotated pole;
Reference: Prömmel, K., U. Cubasch, F. Kaspar (2012): Regional climate model study on the impact of tectonic and orbital forcing on African precipitation and vegetation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.10.015;
24h: W (vertical wind velocity)
1h: U_10M (U-component of 10m wind), V_10M (V-component of 10m wind), VMAX_10M (maximum 10m wind speed), SNOW_CON (convective snowfall), SNOW_GSP (large scale snowfall), RAIN_CON (convective rainfall), RAIN_GSP (large scale rainfall), RUNOFF_S (surface runoff), HBAS_CON (height of convective cloud base), HTOP_CON (height of convective cloud top)
3h: T_G (grid mean surface temperature), T_2M (2m temperature), TD_2M (2m dew point temperature), PMSL (mean sea level pressure), IWV (precipitable water), IWATER (cloud condensed water content), CLCT (total cloud cover), CLCH (high cloud cover), CLCM (medium cloud cover), CLCL (low cloud cover), MFLX_CON (convective mass flux density), CAPE_CON (specific convectively available potential energy), TKE_CON (convective turbulent kinetic energy), ASOB_S (surface net downward shortwave radiation), ATHB_S (surface net downward longwave radiation), ASOB_T (TOA (top-of-atmosphere) net downward shortwave radiation), ATHB_T (TOA outgoing longwave radiation), ALHFL_S (surface latent heat flux), ASHFL_S (surface sensible heat flux), ALB (surface albedo)
24h: APAB_S (surface photosynthetic active radiation), SNOWLMT (height of the snow fall limit in m above sea level), HZEROCL (height of freezing level), W_SNOW (surface snow amount), PS (surface pressure), T_2M_AV (2m temperature), TMAX_2M (2m maximum temperature), TMIN_2M (2m minimum temperature), TD_2M_AV (2m dew point temperature), RUNOFF_G (subsurface runoff), PLCOV (vegetation area fraction), LAI (leaf area index), ROOTDP (root depth), VIO3 (vertical integrated ozone amount), HMO3 (air pressure at ozone maximum), GZ0 (surface roughness length), T_SO (soil temperature), W_SO (soil water content), W_ICE (soil frozen water content), T_SNOW (snow surface temperature), T_S (soil surface temperature), QV_S (surface specific humidity), IDIV_HUM (atmosphere water divergence), W_I (canopy water amount)
3h: GPH (geopotential), T (temperature), U (U-component of wind), V (V-component of wind), OMEGA (omega), QV (specific humidity)