CLM-community project COPAT (Coordinated Parameter Testing) produced two ensembles of the reference
simulation CON502 with COSMO5.0_clm9 for the period of 1979 – 2000. For all ensemble members the same forcing files(achieved by interpolating ERAinterim and merging external data) and setup was used (see configure-files in INT2LM-configuration.CON502.tar and CCLM-configuration.CON502.tar). The first ensemble data was produced on one machine by varying the date of initial conditions (ETHZ-mem1 to ETHZ-mem6).
The second by running the simulation on different platforms (ETHZ-mem1, DKRZ, DKRZ_ATOS, DWD, LRZ, ZAMG).
Simulation area is the CORDEX domain on 0.44° grid in rotated coordinates. 40 vertical levels and 10 soil levels were used. The data were stored on a daily basis. Data are produced by I. Anders (ZAMG), S. Brienen (DWD), K. Keuler (BTU), D. Lüthi (ETHZ), M. Mertens (DLR) and B. Geyer (HZG).