High resolution simulations of semi-idealized pyro-convective plumes
Müller, Jason; Senf, Fabian; Tegen, Ina
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Atmospheric fields extracted from ICON-LAM simulations of semi-idealized pyro-convective plumes during the ANY event, resampled onto a regular Lon-Lat grid with a grid spacing of 500m. The simulations were performed to investigate the effects of sensible heating and water vapor emissions on the characteristics of the pyro-convective plumes. - The files contain 29 experiments, each with a different combination of sensible, latent and total heat flux of the fire. - Simulated time: 3 hours - Simulated event: Australian New Year's Eve pyrocumulonimbus event (ANY Event) 2019/2020 - Location: Near Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia - Original ICON grid: R02B13 (approx. 300m grid spacing) - Regridded to: regular lat-lon grid (approx. 500m grid spacing)