Atmospheric fields extracted from ICON-LEM DE simulations and regridded onto a regular lon-lat grid with 5km grid spacing. Two ICON experiments were performed: one with present-day aerosol radiative effects and one with aerosol absorption completely switched off
* The simulation domain covers the Germany
* The simulation setup is described in Heinze et al. (2017) & Stevens et al. (2020) &
* Native grid spacing is 312 m for DOM02 & 625 m for DOM01
* '20130502_CCN_rad' experiment:
** is the simulation dataset incl. aerosol absorption
** is derived from /hpss/arch/bm0834/k203095/ICON_LEM_DE_JUQUEEN/hdcp2_final_2dom/20130502_CCN_rad
* '20130502_semi_direct_effect'
** is the simulation dataset excl.. aerosol absorption;
** is derived from /hpss/arch/bm0834/k203095/ICON_LEM_DE_JUQUEEN/hdcp2_final_2dom/20130502_semi_direct_effect
Costa-Surós, M., Sourdeval, O., Acquistapace, C., Baars, H., Carbajal Henken, C., Genz, C., Hesemann, J., Jimenez, C., König, M., Kretzschmar, J., Madenach, N., Meyer, C. I., Schrödner, R., Seifert, P., Senf, F., Brueck, M., Cioni, G., Engels, J. F., Fieg, K., Gorges, K., Heinze, R., Siligam, P. K., Burkhardt, U., Crewell, S., Hoose, C., Seifert, A., Tegen, I., & Quaas, J. (2020). Detection and attribution of aerosol–cloud interactions in large-domain large-eddy simulations with the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20(9), 5657–5678. Heinze, R. et al. (2017), Large-eddy simulations over Germany using ICON: a comprehensive evaluation, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 143(702), 69–100.
Stevens, Bjorn and Acquistapace, C. and Hansen, A. and and Coauthors incl. Senf, F. (2020), Large-eddy and Storm Resolving Models for Climate Prediction The Added Value for Clouds and Precipitation, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2020-021.