The archived COSMO-CLM simulation data have been used in an attribution study of the 29.06.2017 extreme precipitation event which affected the Berlin region. The experiment is part of the study "Synergy of Meteorological, Impact, and Climate Analyses for the Understanding of Extreme Precipitation: The 29 June 2017 Event in the Berlin Metropolitan Area", by Caldas-Alvarez et al. (submitted 2022 to Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences).
Data marked with the term "PRI" correspond to the pre-industrial ensemble and data marked with "PRESENT", to the present-climate ensemble. In total, there are 18 members per ensemble, for both resolutions. A fuller description of the data and experiment can be found in the aforementioned publication.
Spatial resolution: the data are at two spatial resolutions, 0.11° and 0.025°. The former provide the boundary conditions for the latter. The 0.11° simulations are forced with ERA5 data.
Simulation domains: the 0.11° data cover a domain similar to the EURO-CORDEX domain. The 0.025° data cover approximately the COSMO-DE domain (see aforementioned publication for graphic). Note that the edge regions of the simulation domains have been removed, in order to reduce the file sizes. The exact cut-out can by seen by "ncdump -h" on any of the files.
Temporal resolution: all data are available at hourly resolution. Additionally, in the 0.025° simulations, precipitation and vertical velocity are available at 5-minute resolution. The vertical velocity is at 500 and 700 hPa.
Available 2D variables include: precipitation, evaporation, surface fluxes, CAPE, CIN, clouds, graupel, PBL height, freezing level, pressure, 2-metre variables (humidity, temperature and dew point), column-integrated variables (cloud ice, cloud water, cloud graupel, moisture), surface temperature and 10-m winds.
Available 3D variables (300, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000 hPa) include: geopotential, specific humidity, temperature, winds, vertical velocity (500 and 700 hPa).
The archives also contain the model namelist settings. CCLM and INT2LM versions are COSMO_131108_5.0_clm16 and int2lm_131101_2.00_clm4, respectively.
These data were produced as part of the ClimXtreme project <>, funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Specifically, as part of the sub-project XPreCCC under grant number 01LP1902H. All simulations were performed on Mistral at the DKRZ.