MiKlip II regional downscaling simulation for the EURO CORDEX EUR-22 domain (0.22° resolution) with COSMO-CLM (CCLM 5-0-9). Downscaling of the MiKlip MPI-ESM-LR decadal hindcast simulation dec26o1915-r1i1p1-LR References - global forcing: Müller et al. (2014): Decadal climate predictions for the period 1901–2010 with a coupled climate model. GRL, https://doi.org/10.1002/2014GL059259 - regional simulation Ehmele et al. (2020): Long-term variance of heavy precipitation across central Europe using a large ensemble of regional climate model simulations. Earth System Dynamics. doi:10.1002/joc.6824. Grid: rotated_pole:grid_mapping_name = "rotated_latitude_longitude" ; rotated_pole:grid_north_pole_latitude = 39.25 ; rotated_pole:grid_north_pole_longitude = -162. ; startlat_tot = -25.52, startlon_tot = -30.52, pollat=39.25 pollon=-162.0, dlon=0.22, dlat=0.22, ie_tot=232, je_tot=226, ke_tot=40, The files contain the 6-hourly 3-dimensional data on model-levels, which are needed for a further downscaling. Variables (CCLM variable names): 'FRESHSNW','PP','QC','QI','QV','QV_S','QR','QS','T','T_S','T_SNOW','T_SO','U','V','W_I','W_SNOW','W_SO','PS','RHO_SNOW','W'