This is the metadata concerning the data contained in: /hpss/arch/mh0033/m300411/ARC3O_part1_data/data_arc3o_part1.tar.gz.
This is the data used for the analysis and plots in the paper: Burgard, C., Notz, D., Pedersen, L. T., and Tonboe, R. T.: The Arctic Ocean Observation Operator for 6.9 GHz (ARC3O) – Part 1: How to obtain sea ice brightness temperatures at 6.9 GHz from climate model output, The Cryosphere, 14, 2369–2386,, 2020.
It contains the following folders:
1. MEMLS_input_output
a. exp045_85N50W_20190715: contains MEMLS input and output for 85N50W (not shown in paper, but computed to confirm results from 75N00W and NorthPole)
b. exp046_82N120W_20190716: contains MEMLS input and output for 82N120W (not shown in paper, but computed to confirm results from 75N00W and NorthPole)
c. exp047_80N160W_20190716: contains MEMLS input and output for 82N120W (not shown in paper, but computed to confirm results from 75N00W and NorthPole)
d. exp049_75N00W_20191009: contains MEMLS input and output for 75N00W (first-year ice)
e. exp050_NorthPole_20191011: contains MEMLS input and output for NorthPole (multiyear ice)
f. exp051_77N39E_20191030: contains MEMLS input and output for 77N39E (not shown in paper, but computed to confirm results from 75N00W and NorthPole)
g. exp052_74N170E_20191106: contains MEMLS input and output for 74N170E (not shown in paper, but computed to confirm results from 75N00W and NorthPole)
h. exp053_75N00W_20191106: contains MEMLS input on different amounts of layers and output for 75N00W (first-year ice) - see Sec. 4.3 in paper
i. exp054_NorthPole_20191106: contains MEMLS input on different amounts of layers and output for NorthPole (multiyear ice) - see Sec. 4.3 in paper
2. SAMSIM_input_output
a. SAMSIM_INPUT: contains the ERA-Interim data used as input for SAMSIM simulations for the 2 points shown in the paper and the 5 points used to confirm the results but not shown in the paper.
b. SAMSIM_OUTPUT: contains the output from the SAMSIM simulations for the 2 points shown in the paper and the 5 points used to confirm the results but not shown in the paper.
The scripts to produce this data and process it to result in the diverse formats given here can be accessed on: or by contacting