The quality of this dataset has been approved by Bruce T. T. Calvert on September 22, 2024. This dataset is a further derived product (classifying as a level 4 data processing level) derived from various source datasets, including land surface air temperatures of Chan, Gebbie and Huybers (2024), non-infilled DCLSAT, GHCNv4, and CRUTEM5; sea surface temperatures of DCSST; sea ice coverage of HadISST2; measurement and sampling uncertainties of CRUTEM5 and HadSST4; land mask data of OSTIAv2; surface elevation data of GMTED2010; and climate model output of CCSM4 for a pre-industrial control simulation. Sensitivity tests of DCENT_MLE_v1.0 use alternate sea ice source datasets (COBE-SST2, G10010v2, and G02202v4). These source datasets either have had extensive quality control or are themselves further derived products based on source datasets that have had extensive quality control.