These data represent monthly averaged values of selected variables for the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (see also The model output prepared for IPCC Fourth Assessment climate of the Pre-industrial control experiment (picntrl). These datasets are available in netCDF and GRIB format. A 50-year integration was conducted using 1985 GHG concentrations and restoring to climatological SST, SSS, and sea-ice extent in order to estimate annual mean heat and freshwater flux adjustments. This was followed by a 200-year integration with preindustrial GHG concentrations to allow the model to approximately equilibrate to a preindustrial climate. The end of this integration served as the initial condition for the preindustrial control integration, representing conditions at year 1850. The preindustrial GHG concentrations were taken to be: CO2=288ppm; CH4=792ppb; N2O=275.5ppb; CFC11=CFC12=0. For this experiment there is only one run available. Model output data for CMIP3 in higher temporal resolutions and further variables are available in ESGF at