CMIP6 Forcing Datasets (input4MIPs). These data include all datasets published for 'input4MIPs.CMIP6.CMIP.PCMDI.PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-8' with the full Data Reference Syntax following the template 'activity_id.mip_era.target_mip.institution_id.source_id.realm.frequency.variable_id.grid_label'. The PCMDI-AMIP 1.1.8: Merged SST based on UK MetOffice HadISST and NCEP OI2 (Based on Hurrell SST/sea ice consistency criteria applied to merged HadISST (1870-01 to 1981-10) & NCEP-0I2 (1981-11 to 2021-12)) climate model, released in 2022, includes the following components: . The model was run by the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, USA (PCMDI) in native nominal resolutions: 1x1 degree. Project: The forcing datasets (and boundary conditions) needed for CMIP6 experiments are being prepared by a number of different experts. Initially many of these datasets may only be available from those experts, but over time as part of the 'input4MIPs' activity most of them will be archived by PCMDI and served by the Earth System Grid Federation ( ). More information is available in the living document: .
input4MIPs.CMIP6.CMIP.PCMDI.PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-8 forcing data climate CMIP6
input4MIPs forcing data for CMIP6 is evolving, new versions are added when datasets are changed or additions are made. Cite this data collection according to the Data Citation Guidelines ( and be sure to include the version number (e.g. v20210101).
Individuals using the data must abide by the terms of use for CMIP6 data ( Details on any license restrictions are recorded as global attributes in the files. (More information:
Durack, Paul J.; Taylor, Karl E.; Ames, Sasha; Po-Chedley, Stephen; Mauzey, Christopher (2022). PCMDI AMIP SST and sea-ice boundary conditions version 1.1.8. Version YYYYMMDD[1].Earth System Grid Federation.
IsReferencedByThe emerging human influence on the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature. Shi, Jia-Rui; Santer, Benjamin D.; Kwon, Young-Oh; Wijffels, Susan E.. DOI:10.1038/s41558-024-01958-8
IsReferencedByEvaporative controls on Antarctic precipitation: an ECHAM6 model study using innovative water tracer diagnostics. Gao, Qinggang; Sime, Louise C.; McLaren, Alison J.; Bracegirdle, Thomas J.; Capron, Emilie; Rhodes, Rachael H.; Steen-Larsen, Hans Christian; Shi, Xiaoxu; Werner, Martin. DOI:10.5194/tc-18-683-2024