E56_3: MIP-T=OImon, var=strocnx, aux=lat: project table: checksum of levels or grid values changed E56_3: MIP-T=OImon, var=strocnx, aux=lat_vertices: project table: checksum of levels or grid values changed E56_3: MIP-T=OImon, var=strocnx, aux=lon: project table: checksum of levels or grid values changed E56_3: MIP-T=OImon, var=strocnx, aux=lon_vertices: project table: checksum of levels or grid values changed QC::checkProjectTableAuxiliary() Conflict for auxiliary between file and table. Path: /gpfs_750/projects/CMIP5/data/cmip5/output1/NCAR/CCSM4/rcp45/mon/seaIce/OImon/r2i1p1/v20120412/strocnx File: strocnx_OImon_CCSM4_rcp45_r2i1p1_200601-210012.nc Project table project_rcp45_standard_output_12Jan2012.csv Variable: strocnx checksum: table: 576290088 ncfile: 919290041 checksum: table: 2705273284 ncfile: 3809522754 checksum: table: 289090621 ncfile: 1160084888 checksum: table: 694407042 ncfile: 2215554034