QC Result Details for cmip5/output1/ICHEC/EC-EARTH/abrupt4xCO2
The listed CMIP5 [http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/] experiments are in the
quality control process [http://cmip5qc.wdc-climate.de/]. Exception codes are
explained at http://cera-www.dkrz.de/CMIP5/QC/2/qc2list.html,
where F exception codes are available as 2D fields in the netCDF result files as sum of all occurred F exceptions codes in a grid cell.
All other (W/E) exception codes are documented in the ASCII files: *_experiment.log and the variable exception messages for a specific
atomic dataset (text file for a *.nc entry). If available, *.pdf visualizes the QC results of all *.nc files.